Cookie Policy

Although this website does not currently contain cookies, it may contain them in the future to enhance functionality and improve the user interaction with the website. This company reserves the right to use cookies, always complying with the current regulations.

Cookies are small files stored on your device that allow us to remember and recognize users on our website, and understand how users interact with our website. They help us provide a better website experience for users, understand which sections of the website are most interesting and useful, and offer personalized content and promotions.

By continuing to use this website, you consent to the potential future use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy. Should we decide to use cookies in the future, we will inform users and provide options to control or decline the use of cookies.

We will post any changes to our Cookie Policy on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice.

For more information on how we handle personal data, please see our Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions about our Cookie Policy, please contact us at adr